LFC Blind School

Little Flower Convent
Hr. Sec. School For The Blind


      Little Flower School for the Visually impaired, engages itself in; bringing about changes in the lives of its children by, providing holistic growth, which combines academic education, with life skills, and value systems, thus strengthening their resolve, to venture into the world, and establish themselves as successful citizens, fully self-dependent, and live with dignity and pride.


Academic education for children starting from kindergarten up to Higher Secondary with both English and Tamil mediums.​

  • Free Education
  • Boarding home for the children.
  • Braille Library​.
  • Individualized Braille coaching​.
  • Mobility training​.
  • Life skills training like tailoring, cooking, sewing, etc.​
  • Impetus on health with Yoga instructions.
  • Great stress on physical activities like games and sports.
  • Pioneering Computer Centre with voice synthesizing software, for the first time in India.​
  • Counseling sessions both for the students and teachers are periodically conducted.​
  • Alumni get-together once a year.



  •  Most of our visually impaired students come from far- away places.  To care for these children, hostel facility has been started. All children above the age of four years are admitted into the Hostel, irrespective of their social and economic background.
  • The Hostel provides all facilities for the children: large airy dormitories, spacious dining room, clean bathrooms and toilets and a shady playground, where these children can roam around freely and play. Free time activities are organized and the children can play outdoor and indoor games
  •  Parents and relatives are encouraged to visit their children regularly and to take them out for weekends.